Billing and Insurance

Our speech and occupational therapy services are billable to insurance!

  • We are in-network for BCBS PPO. We are able to bill to out-of-state BCBS plans as well.

    Please note: we are not in-network for HMO plans.

  • We are in network for Aetna PPO plans.

  • We are in network for Cigna PPO plans for speech only. We are not in network for occupational therapy.

  • We are in-network for Medicare.

  • APT is a vendor for IRIS of Wisconsin. IRIS provides Wisconsin residents with a budget for goods, support, and services that will help you reach your long-term care goals

  • All out-of-network clients will be billed at our private pay rate. Please contact us directly for information regarding our rates as rates vary depending on the service.

    We also will send claims to your insurance and/or provide you with superbills to submit, depending on your insurance company. Some insurance companies may provide you with reimbursement for out-of-network services. Please check with your insurance provider regarding your out-of-network benefits.

  • We are currently in the process of enrolling with other insurance companies. We hope to offer more options in the future to make our services as accessible as possible to our clients.

  • Recipients of this scholarship will be awarded 10 Spelling to Communicate (S2C) sessions at a significantly reduced rate. They will also receive a free set of laminate letter boards. Winners will have the opportunity to participate in 10 sessions with one of our S2C practitioners, for just $20 per session at Amplifying Potential Therapy, allowing them to experience the benefits of this transformative communication approach at a fraction of the usual cost.

    Eligible applicants are individuals who are non-speakers, minimally speaking, or unreliably speaking. This program is designed specifically for families in need of financial assistance, who otherwise would not have access to S2C. It is available to individuals residing in Illinois only.

    If you would like apply for this scholarship, please e-mail and the application will be sent to you directly.

  • We are proud to participate in the International Association for Spelling as Communication’s (I-ASC) speller access fund. Their program is for families in need of financial assistance, who are otherwise unable to obtain access to Spelling to Communicate (S2C). Our practitioners will accept the 5 free sessions provided by I-ASC, for access fund recipients.

    If you would like to apply for the speller access fund, please visit I-ASC here for more information and to apply.